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10 Tips to Keep your Working Dog Cool During a Heatwave

Provide Plenty of Water: Ensure your dog always has access to fresh, cool water. Refill their bowl frequently and consider adding ice cubes to keep it cool.

Use Cooling Mats: Invest in a cooling mat for your dog to lie on. These mats stay cool without needing refrigeration and help lower your dog’s body temperature.

Limit Exercise: Avoid strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day. Take walks early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler.

Shade and Shelter: Ensure your dog has access to shaded areas. If they’re outside, provide a shaded spot where they can escape the sun.

Cool Baths: Give your dog a cool bath or hose them down with water. This helps to quickly reduce their body temperature.

Wet Towels: Drape a wet towel over your dog or let them lie on one. The evaporating water will help cool them down.

Fans and Ventilation: Use fans to increase air circulation in the house. You can also place a bowl of ice in front of the fan to blow cooler air.

Avoid Hot Surfaces: Pavements and sand can get extremely hot. Walk your dog on grass or shaded paths to protect their paws from burns.

Hydrating Treats: Offer frozen treats like ice cubes made from low-sodium broth or special doggy ice lollies to keep them hydrated and cool.

Monitor for Heatstroke: Keep an eye out for signs of overheating, such as excessive panting, drooling, or lethargy. If you notice any of these, cool your dog down immediately and contact a vet.

By following these tips, you can help ensure your working dog stays cool and comfortable during a heatwave.

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Keeping Your Working Dog Healthy and Happy During the British Summer

As the British summer brings longer days and warmer temperatures, it’s essential for owners of working dogs to take extra care to ensure their furry companions stay healthy and comfortable. From dietary adjustments to managing the effects of heat on performance, here are some tips to keep your working dog in top condition this summer.

Dietary and Nutritional Requirements

Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and vitality of working dogs, especially during the summer months when they may be more active. Ensure your dog’s diet includes high-quality protein sources to support muscle health and endurance. Additionally, consider increasing their intake of water-rich foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables to help keep them hydrated in the heat.

Supplementing their diet with omega-3 fatty acids can also help support joint health and reduce inflammation, which is particularly important for working dogs engaged in physically demanding activities. Be mindful of portion sizes and avoid overfeeding, as excess weight can strain your dog’s joints and decrease their stamina.tcout

Managing the Heat

The summer heat can take a toll on your working dog’s performance, leading to fatigue, dehydration, and even heat-related illnesses. To mitigate these effects, schedule training sessions and work tasks during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Provide plenty of shaded areas where your dog can rest and cool off between activities.

Invest in cooling accessories such as vests or mats that can help regulate your dog’s body temperature during outdoor activities. Always have fresh water available and encourage your dog to drink regularly to stay hydrated. Signs of heat exhaustion or heatstroke include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and disorientation. If you notice any of these symptoms, move your dog to a cooler area immediately and seek veterinary attention.

Changes to Make

As a responsible dog owner, it’s essential to adapt your routine and care practices to accommodate the challenges of summer. Avoid leaving your dog in hot cars or confined spaces without adequate ventilation, as this can quickly lead to heatstroke. Take frequent breaks during outdoor activities, allowing your dog to rest and cool down as needed.

Regular grooming is also crucial during the summer months, as it helps prevent overheating and reduces the risk of skin infections. Trim your dog’s coat to a manageable length, especially if they have a thick or heavy coat that can trap heat. Additionally, check their paw pads for signs of damage or irritation from hot pavement or surfaces.

Signs of Heat-Related Suffering

It’s essential to recognize the signs of heat-related distress in your working dog and take prompt action to address them. Watch for symptoms such as excessive panting, rapid heartbeat, weakness, vomiting, and collapse. If you suspect your dog is suffering from heatstroke, move them to a cooler area immediately, offer water to drink, and apply cool water to their body to help lower their temperature. Seek emergency veterinary care as soon as possible.

By paying attention to your working dog’s dietary needs, managing the effects of heat on performance, making necessary changes to your routine, and being vigilant for signs of heat-related distress, you can help ensure your canine companion stays healthy and happy throughout the British summer months. With proper care and attention, you and your working dog can enjoy a safe and active summer together.

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What Exactly is a Working Dog?

In the realm of canine companionship, there exists a special category of dogs that go beyond the title of “pet.” These are the diligent and dedicated working dogs. But what exactly defines a working dog, and why does this distinction matter? Join us as we explore the ins and outs of what makes a working dog, from practical definitions to legal status in the UK.

Understanding the Concept: What is a Working Dog?

A working dog is more than just a furry friend; it’s a four-legged partner with a job to do. These canines are carefully bred, trained, and employed to perform various tasks that benefit humans. From assisting with herding livestock to aiding in search and rescue missions, working dogs play diverse roles across different sectors.

The Legal Standpoint: Defining Working Dogs in British Law

In the legal landscape of the United Kingdom, the term “working dog” holds specific significance. According to the law, a working dog is one that is actively employed for tasks such as herding, hunting, guarding, or assisting individuals with disabilities. This classification often comes into play in scenarios involving property damage or harm caused by dogs, where different liabilities may apply based on whether the dog is considered a working dog or not.

Why the Distinction Matters

The distinction between working dogs and non-working dogs serves several purposes. Firstly, it helps ensure that these specially trained canines receive the recognition and respect they deserve for their valuable contributions to society. Secondly, it aids in determining appropriate training, care, and handling methods tailored to the specific needs and responsibilities of working dogs. Finally, it assists in legal matters, offering clarity on the rights, responsibilities, and liabilities associated with owning and working with these exceptional animals.

Examples of Working Dogs vs. Non-Working Dogs

  1. Working Dogs:
    • Police Dogs: Trained for tasks such as tracking suspects, detecting drugs or explosives, and apprehending criminals.
    • Guide Dogs: Assist individuals with visual impairments by navigating obstacles, facilitating safe travel, and providing companionship.
    • Herding Dogs: Aid farmers in managing livestock by guiding, corralling, and controlling the movement of animals.
  2. Non-Working Dogs:
    • Companion Pets: Dogs kept primarily for companionship and as household pets.
    • Show Dogs: Bred and trained for participation in conformation shows based on breed standards, without specific working roles.
    • Therapy Dogs: Offer emotional support and comfort to individuals in hospitals, nursing homes, or other therapeutic settings. Though technically doing a job, they are not considered to be working dog.

Working dogs are not just ordinary pets; they are skilled professionals with vital roles to play in various fields. Whether they’re assisting law enforcement, guiding individuals with disabilities, or supporting agricultural activities, working dogs embody dedication, intelligence, and loyalty. Understanding the distinction between working dogs and non-working dogs is not only important for legal clarity but also for appreciating the invaluable contributions of these remarkable canines to our society.

By recognising and honouring the unique status of working dogs, we can ensure they receive the admiration, care, and support they need to continue making a positive impact in our lives. So, the next time you encounter a working dog, remember to salute their hard work and dedication—it’s truly paw-some! And be sure to buy them some dog food that has been specifically designed to cater to their dietry needs as working dogs.

What is a working dog?

A working dog is a specially trained canine that assists humans in various tasks, leveraging their intelligence, strength, and keen senses. These dogs are often employed in roles such as search and rescue, police and military work, therapy and assistance, herding livestock, and even as service animals for individuals with disabilities. Working dogs undergo rigorous training to perform their duties effectively, demonstrating remarkable loyalty, focus, and versatility in their work.

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The Importance of Working for Your Working Dog

Working dogs, bred for their intelligence, drive, and stamina, possess a unique set of needs that must be met to ensure their well-being and happiness. Unlike many companion breeds, these dogs thrive on activity, purpose, and mental stimulation. Thus, the importance of providing them with meaningful work cannot be overstated. In this article, we delve into why working dogs must be worked, the repercussions of neglecting this aspect, and how owners can fulfil their dogs’ inherent needs.

Firstly, it’s essential to understand that working breeds, such as German Shepherds, Border Collies, and Labrador Retrievers, have been selectively bred for generations to perform specific tasks. Whether it’s herding livestock, assisting hunters, or serving as police or search and rescue dogs, these breeds excel when engaged in purposeful activities. Failing to provide them with appropriate outlets for their energy and instincts can lead to a host of behavioural issues and health problems.

When a working dog is not worked, both the dog and its owner can suffer the consequences. For the dog, boredom and frustration may manifest as destructive behaviour, excessive barking, or aggression. Without mental and physical stimulation, these dogs may channel their energy into undesirable activities, such as chewing furniture or digging up the garden. Moreover, neglected working dogs are prone to developing anxiety and depression, leading to a diminished quality of life.

On the other hand, owners of underworked working dogs often find themselves grappling with challenging behaviour and strained relationships with their pets. What was once a harmonious partnership can quickly deteriorate into a source of stress and frustration. Without proper training and outlets for their dogs’ energy, owners may struggle to control their pets, leading to feelings of helplessness and guilt.

So, why does this happen? The answer lies in the fundamental nature of working dogs. These breeds possess a strong work ethic and an innate drive to perform tasks. When deprived of meaningful work, they experience a sense of purposelessness and restlessness. This can manifest in various ways, including disobedience, hyperactivity, and attention-seeking behaviour. Essentially, working dogs thrive when they have a job to do, and without it, they struggle to fulfil their potential and maintain their well-being.

To prevent these issues, owners must ensure that their working dogs are appropriately worked. This involves engaging them in activities that align with their breed’s instincts and abilities. For example, Border Collies excel at herding and agility training, while German Shepherds thrive in obedience and protection work. Labrador Retrievers enjoy tasks that utilise their retrieving skills, such as fetch or scent work.

Regular exercise is also crucial for working dogs, as it helps to channel their energy and prevent boredom. Long walks, runs, or hikes provide an opportunity for physical exertion and mental stimulation. Additionally, interactive toys and puzzle games can keep these dogs engaged and entertained when indoors.

The importance of working for working dogs cannot be overstated. Owners must recognise and fulfil their dogs’ need for purpose and activity to ensure a fulfilling and harmonious relationship. By providing meaningful work and regular exercise, owners can unlock their dogs’ full potential and enjoy a rewarding partnership built on mutual respect and understanding.

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Springtime Prep: Boosting Your Working Dog’s Immune System Against Ticks and Parasites

As spring approaches, working dog owners gear up for longer days, increased outdoor activities, and unfortunately, a surge in pesky parasites like ticks. These tiny critters not only cause discomfort to our faithful companions but also pose serious health risks. Maintaining a robust immune system is key to safeguarding your working dog against these nuisances. Here’s how you can keep your canine companion’s immune system in top shape and fend off those unwanted parasites.

Regular Checks

Regular inspections are paramount in detecting and removing ticks before they have a chance to latch onto your dog and potentially transmit harmful diseases like Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Make it a habit to thoroughly examine your dog’s coat, paying close attention to areas such as behind the ears, around the neck, and between the toes where ticks commonly hide. Prompt removal is crucial; use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible and pull steadily upwards without twisting to ensure you remove the entire tick.

Parasite Prevention Plan

Implementing a comprehensive parasite prevention plan is essential for keeping your working dog safe and healthy. Consult your veterinarian to determine the most suitable preventive measures for your dog, which may include topical treatments, oral medications, or collars specifically designed to repel ticks and other parasites. Additionally, consider environmental control measures such as keeping grass trimmed and avoiding areas known to be heavily infested with ticks.


A balanced and nutritious diet plays a fundamental role in supporting your working dog’s immune system. Opt for high-quality dog food that contains essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals crucial for maintaining optimal health. Look for formulations rich in protein from sources like turkey, chicken,lamb haddock, salmon, trout and eggs, as protein is essential for building and repairing tissues and supporting the immune system. Incorporating omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil or flaxseed, can also help reduce inflammation and boost immunity. Additionally, consider supplementing your dog’s diet with immune-boosting foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, blueberries, and leafy greens like spinach and kale.

By prioritizing regular checks, implementing a parasite prevention plan, and providing a nutrient-rich diet, you can help bolster your working dog’s immune system and fortify their defenses against ticks and other parasites. As springtime approaches, take proactive steps to ensure your canine companion stays healthy, happy, and tick-free, allowing them to continue thriving in their important roles alongside you.

Remember, a little effort in maintaining your working dog’s health goes a long way in ensuring they can perform at their best, no matter the season. With the right care and attention, you can enjoy the great outdoors with your furry friend while keeping those troublesome parasites at bay.

Choose from the products below to ensure your dog has a strong immune system this spring!

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Unleashing the Debate: Raw Meat vs. Kibble for Working Dogs

In the realm of working dogs, nutrition plays a pivotal role in maintaining their health, vitality, and performance. Whether they’re herding sheep, assisting in search and rescue missions, or serving as loyal companions in law enforcement, choosing the right diet for these hard-working canines is essential. Two popular options often come into contention: raw meat and kibble. Let’s delve into the benefits of each to help you make an informed decision for your four-legged colleague.

Raw Meat: Fueling the Canine Athlete

Raw meat diets, often referred to as the BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) diet, have gained traction among dog owners, especially those with working dogs. Here’s why:

  1. Nutritional Superiority: Raw meat provides dogs with a plethora of nutrients in their natural form, including proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients are essential for maintaining muscle mass, supporting the immune system, and sustaining energy levels during long working hours.
  2. Improved Digestion: Raw meat diets typically contain fewer fillers and additives compared to processed kibble. This can lead to better digestion and absorption of nutrients, reducing the risk of gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhoea.
  3. Healthy Skin and Coat: The high-quality fats found in raw meat promote healthy skin and a glossy coat, crucial for working dogs exposed to various weather conditions and environments.
  4. Enhanced Dental Health: Chewing on raw bones can help keep a dog’s teeth clean and gums healthy, reducing the risk of dental problems commonly seen in canines fed on softer diets.
  5. Reduced Allergies and Sensitivities: Some working dogs may have sensitivities or allergies to certain ingredients commonly found in processed kibble. Raw meat diets allow for more control over ingredients, potentially reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

Kibble: Convenience with Longevity

While raw meat offers numerous benefits, kibble also has its place in the world of working dog nutrition:

  1. Convenience: Kibble is easy to store, transport, and portion, making it a convenient option for busy working dog owners who may not have the time or resources to prepare raw meals.
  2. Longevity of Storage: Unlike raw meat, which has a limited shelf life and requires refrigeration or freezing, kibble can be stored for extended periods without spoiling. This makes it ideal for situations where access to fresh food may be limited, such as during outdoor expeditions or remote deployments.
  3. Complete and Balanced Nutrition: Many commercial kibble brands are formulated to provide a complete and balanced diet for dogs, ensuring they receive all the essential nutrients they need to thrive, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: In some cases, feeding kibble may be more cost-effective than raw meat, especially when considering factors such as convenience, storage, and the availability of affordable commercial options.

Making the Right Choice

Ultimately, the decision between raw meat and kibble for your working dog depends on various factors, including your dog’s individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Some owners may opt for the nutritional superiority of raw meat, while others may prioritise the convenience and longevity of kibble.

Regardless of your choice, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist to ensure your dog’s diet meets their specific requirements for optimal health and performance. By providing your working dog with the right nutrition, you’ll be supporting them in their important roles as dedicated companions and valuable members of your team.

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How to Keep Your Police Dog Well-Fed and Ready for Action

Police dogs are invaluable partners in law enforcement, working tirelessly to keep our communities safe. Ensuring they are well-fed and in optimal health is essential for their performance on duty. In this guide, we’ll explore how to keep your police dog active, healthy, and ready for action, with a focus on their dietary needs and the breeds commonly used in law enforcement.

Breed-specific Dietary Requirements: Different breeds of police dogs have varying nutritional needs based on their size, activity level, and specific job requirements. Here’s a brief overview of dietary considerations for common police dog breeds:

  1. German Shepherd: Known for their intelligence and versatility, German Shepherds are a popular choice for police work. They require a balanced diet rich in protein to support their muscular build and high energy levels. Look for quality dog food formulated for active breeds, with ingredients like meat, vegetables, and essential vitamins and minerals. Also look for food rich in chicken, lamb, or fish, with added glucosamine for joint health.
  2. Belgian Malinois: Belgian Malinois are agile and highly trainable, making them excellent police dogs for tasks such as detection and apprehension. Their diet should include a high-protein, high-fat formula to sustain their energy levels and support their intense physical activity. Large Breed working dog food is worth considering for these police dogs. Consider supplements like glucosamine and omega-3 fatty acids to maintain joint health and mobility.
  3. Labrador Retriever: Labradors are known for their friendly nature and versatility, often employed in roles such as detection and search and rescue. Their diet should focus on lean protein sources, such as chicken, turkey and fish, to prevent weight gain, as well as complex carbohydrates for sustained energy. Avoid overfeeding to prevent obesity, which can impact their agility and overall health.
  4. Bloodhounds: These tireless scent trackers need a moderate-protein diet (20-25%) with good levels of carbohydrates for long sniffing sessions. Look for easily digestible ingredients to avoid stomach upset.

Keeping Police Dogs Active and Healthy

  1. Regular Exercise: Police dogs require daily exercise to maintain their physical fitness and mental well-being. Incorporate activities like obedience training, agility courses, and scent work into their routine to keep them mentally stimulated and physically fit.
  2. Veterinary Care: Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for monitoring your police dog’s health and addressing any medical issues promptly. Vaccinations, parasite control, and dental care are essential aspects of maintaining their overall well-being.
  3. Proper Hydration: Ensure your police dog has access to fresh, clean water at all times, especially during training and active duty. Proper hydration is vital for regulating body temperature and supporting optimal performance.

By understanding the dietary requirements and specific needs of different police dog breeds, you can ensure your canine partner remains healthy, active, and ready for action. With a balanced diet, regular exercise, and attentive care, your police dog will continue to excel in their vital role in law enforcement.

Remember to consult with your veterinarian to tailor a nutrition and wellness plan that suits your police dog’s individual needs. Together, you can ensure they receive the best possible care to support their invaluable contributions to keeping our communities safe.

For more information on food for police dogs and maintaining their health and fitness, stay tuned to our blog for expert insights and tips.

Good Food For Police Dogs

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Activities for Non-working Working Dogs: Keeping Your Canine Companion Active and Healthy

Retired or domestic working dogs may no longer have their daily tasks, but they still have bundles of energy and intelligence to burn. Engaging them in activities tailored to their abilities is not just fun for them but also crucial for their physical and mental well-being. Let’s explore some exciting ways to keep these non-working working dogs active and healthy.

  1. Flyball:

Flyball is a thrilling and high-energy sport that’s perfect for dogs of all ages and breeds. This relay race involves teams of dogs racing over hurdles to retrieve a ball from a box and then returning with it to their handler. It’s a fantastic way to keep your dog physically fit while stimulating their mind. Plus, the teamwork aspect fosters a strong bond between you and your furry friend.

  1. Dog Diving:

For water-loving dogs, dog diving, also known as dock diving, is an excellent choice. Dogs leap from a dock into a pool of water, competing to see who can jump the farthest or highest. It’s a great way to provide low-impact exercise while allowing your dog to indulge in their love for water. Just be sure to choose a dog diving facility with trained staff and proper safety measures in place.

  1. Agility:

Agility courses are designed to challenge a dog’s speed, agility, and obedience. With obstacles like jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and A-frames, agility courses offer a dynamic and mentally stimulating workout for dogs. Whether you choose to join a class or set up a course in your backyard, agility training is an excellent way to keep your non-working working dog physically fit and mentally sharp.

  1. Interactive Toys and Games:

In addition to structured activities, don’t underestimate the power of interactive toys and games to keep your dog entertained and engaged. Puzzle toys that dispense treats or require problem-solving skills can provide mental stimulation, while games like fetch or hide-and-seek tap into your dog’s natural instincts and keep them active indoors or outdoors.

Just because your dog has retired from their working duties, or is a domestic dog, it doesn’t mean they should retire from an active lifestyle. By engaging them in activities like Flyball, dog diving, agility, and interactive games, you can ensure they stay healthy, happy, and mentally stimulated all year round. So, grab your dog’s leash and get ready for some fun-filled adventures together!

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How to Keep Your Working Dog Warm in Winter: Essential Tips for a Productive Season

Dog in the snow

As the January winter chill sets in across the British countryside, working dogs face the challenge of staying warm while continuing their essential tasks. Whether your four-legged companion is a herder, a hunter, or assists in search and rescue operations, ensuring their well-being during the colder months is crucial for their health and performance. In this guide, we’ll explore the optimal temperatures for working dogs, and provide practical tips on keeping them warm and comfortable through the winter season.

Optimal Temperatures for Working Dogs:

Working dogs, with their diverse roles, have varying temperature preferences depending on breed, size, and activity level. Generally, most working dogs perform best in temperatures ranging from 40°F to 70°F (4°C to 21°C). This range allows them to maintain energy levels without overheating.

During the British winter, temperatures often dip below this ideal range. It’s essential to monitor your working dog closely and take preventive measures to keep them warm, ensuring they can carry out their duties effectively.

Clothing Options for Working Dogs:

  1. Insulating Dog Coats: Invest in a well-fitted, insulated dog coat to protect your working companion from the cold. Look for materials that are water-resistant and windproof to provide extra protection during wet and blustery conditions. Coats with reflective elements are also beneficial for visibility during low-light hours.
  2. Thermal Dog Sweaters: For smaller breeds or those with short fur, a thermal dog sweater can be a cosy and stylish solution. Choose a lightweight yet warm option that allows freedom of movement for your working dog.
  3. Boots for Paw Protection: Working dogs’ paws are vulnerable to cold surfaces, especially if they spend long hours outdoors. Consider equipping your dog with boots that provide insulation and protect their paws from icy terrain, salt, and potential injuries.
  4. Layering: Layering is a practical approach to keep your working dog warm. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to keep them dry, add an insulating layer for warmth, and finish with a waterproof outer layer to shield against rain and snow.

General Winter Care Tips for Working Dogs:

  1. Adjust Work Hours: If possible, schedule outdoor work during the warmer parts of the day, when temperatures are more favourable. This helps prevent your dog from getting too cold during prolonged periods of exposure.
  2. Provide Shelter: Ensure your working dog has access to a sheltered area or kennel during breaks. A dry and insulated space allows them to rest and warm up, reducing the risk of hypothermia.
  3. Nutritional Support: Adjust your dog’s diet during winter to support their energy needs. Consult with your veterinarian to determine if additional calories or specific nutrients are required to maintain their health and stamina.

By prioritising the well-being of your working dog during the winter months, you not only ensure their comfort but also enhance their performance. From appropriate clothing choices to strategic scheduling, these tips will help you keep your canine companion warm and ready for action throughout the challenging British winter. Remember, a happy and healthy working dog is a more efficient and loyal partner in any task. Stay warm and keep those tails wagging!

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Nutrient-Rich Large Breed Working Dog Food: A Perfect Fit for Guide Dogs

Guide dogs for the blind play a crucial role in enhancing the independence and mobility of individuals with visual impairments. These remarkable animals require a carefully curated diet to support their health, energy levels, and overall well-being. One excellent option that stands out for these hardworking canines is the Large Breed Working Dog Food, a grain-free formula designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of working dogs.

The Grain Free range of Large Breed Working Dog Food boasts an impressive array of features that make it an ideal choice for guide dogs:

  1. High-Quality Protein Sources:
    • The inclusion of a minimum of 26% freshly prepared turkey and a total of 50% turkey in the recipe provides a rich source of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. This responsibly sourced protein promotes muscle development and overall vitality, crucial for the demanding work that guide dogs perform.
  2. Grain-Free Formula:
    • Formulated with sweet potato and potato, this dog food is an excellent option for dogs with grain intolerance or sensitivity. Sweet potato, a complex carbohydrate rich in B vitamins, serves as a healthy alternative to grains, promoting sustained energy levels in working guide dogs.
  3. Omega 3 Supplement:
    • The added Omega 3 supplement supports healthy skin and coat, essential for guide dogs exposed to various environmental conditions. A shiny and well-nourished coat not only contributes to the dog’s appearance but also indicates optimal health.
  4. Digestive Health Support:
    • The inclusion of pre-biotics MOS (Mannan-oligosaccharides) and FOS (Fructo-oligosaccharides) aids in promoting the growth of healthy gut bacteria and supports digestion. A healthy digestive system is crucial for guide dogs, ensuring they can efficiently process their food and maintain energy levels during their demanding work.
  5. Natural Preservation:
    • The absence of artificial colors or preservatives in this dog food is an added advantage. It is naturally preserved using rosemary extract, emphasizing the commitment to providing a wholesome and natural diet for working dogs.


The carefully crafted composition of this Large Breed Working Dog Food includes:

  • Turkey (50%, including freshly prepared turkey)
  • Sweet Potato (26%)
  • Peas (9%)
  • Potato, Beet Pulp, Linseed
  • Omega 3 Supplement
  • Minerals, Vitamins
  • Vegetable Stock
  • Cranberry (0.3%)
  • FOS (96 mg/kg), MOS (24 mg/kg)

The Large Breed Working Dog Food is a nutritionally balanced and thoughtfully formulated option for guide dogs. Its focus on high-quality protein, grain-free formula, omega-3 supplementation, and digestive health support makes it an excellent choice for those seeking the best nutrition for their hardworking guide dogs. Choosing the right food is an essential aspect of caring for these dedicated animals, ensuring they can continue to perform their vital roles with energy and vitality.